Body Helath
Vacuum therapy is a non-invasive method using continuous suction at a constant flow, which mobilizes skin tissues and stimulates microcirculation. It is a non-invasive aesthetic treatment helping you fight
- cellulite (at every stage),
- localized obesity,
- appearance of new skin irregularities.
The treatment models your body and at the same time reduces its volume. Lymphatic drainage stimulates skin tissues and microcirculation, thanks to which metabolic waste and toxins and are removed easier and faster (detoxification and cleansing of the body). Another benefit of the treatment is an improvement in skin elasticity and smoothness. It is caused by a stimulation of cellular receptors, which results in an increase in collagen and elastin production. The treatment prevents skin ageing and lightens the skin.
The treatment is performed using a tricot body suit, which makes the treatment more comfortable. A device ended with a roller sucks the skin into a vacuum, while massaging. The massage is performed on the whole body, with special emphasis on more problematic areas. A single session lasts about 45 minutes, the exact duration depends on individual arrangements with each client. In the case of less problematic areas of the body, the effects are visible already after the first treatment. In order to see an improvement in areas of deeper cellulite, a minimum of 10-12 sessions is recommended.
Dermo Health increases the circulation of fluids and this improvement can be felt already after the first session. The patient goes home in a better mood, with an increased diuresis, because fatty acid molecules are removed in a natural way (with urine). Every session increases diuresis by even 50%. Together with excess water, toxins exacerbating cellulite are removed. The optimal results are achieved after 2 months, that is after a typical therapy consisting of two treatment sessions a week. In order to assess these changes, we consider clinical parameters such as the appearance of the skin (softer and smoother) and improvement in circulation.
- treatment of the most advanced stages of cellulite (2-3 stage),
- drains the accumulated fluids in the areas affected with cellulite,
- removes excess water and toxins,
- models the body and reduces its size,
- improves muscle tone,
- improves circulation.
- varicose veins,
- pregnancy,
- tumour,
- immediately after surgeries,
- localized inflammatory conditions and skin diseases,
- fever,
- menstruation,
- anticoagulation therapy.