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A cosmetic treatment consisting in the combination of micro-needling the skin and using anti-ageing active substances. It is suitable for all kinds of skin. It is especially recommended for mature skin with clear symptoms of ageing such as wrinkles, deteriorated shape of the face, lack of youthful firmness, elasticity and colouring. It is perfect for skin with dilated capillaries.
Micro-needling using a DMN (Dermal-Micro-Needling) Mezoroller activates a number of natural regeneration processes in deep layers of the skin. It results in the release of growth factors that participate in the process of wound healing and stimulation of the activity of fibroblasts. The synthesis of structural elements of the skin, including collagen and elastin, is boosted. At the same time, micro-needling increases the absorption of active ingredients in cosmetics administered during the treatment by several times. It yields spectacular results, impossible to achieve with traditional ways of administering cosmetics. The technique is similar to mesotherapy, a well-known treatment in aesthetic medicine.
One session is enough to give you a feeling that the skin is “working”. It is better toned, smoother and looks more fresh. A good choice of needle length makes the treatment safe and prevents damage to blood vessels, so the skin remains red for a short time only or does not redden at all.
The treatment is carried out using a dedicated derma roller, i.e. a roller covered with needles. During the treatment, the roller moves gently over the skin and pierces it to create micro-channels. A derma-roller massage may produce around 500,000 micro-channels in 5 minutes. It considerably increases the absorption of active substances by deep layers of the skin. The channels are open for around an hour. During this time, nourishing mesotherapy cocktail made of a choice of active ingredients is applied to the skin.
- Hyaluronic acid – it is a natural polysaccharide. Preparation in the form of a concentrated serum. It contains pure hyaluronic acid of the highest quality with three sizes of molecules, thanks to which it works on three levels of the skin, having a deeply moisturizing and intensively smoothing effect. It makes the skin elastic, firm, smooth to the touch and well toned, and reduces the visibility of symptoms of ageing as well as small wrinkles. The high quality and purity of the hyaluronic acid makes it suitable even for people with very sensitive skin. Low content of preservatives makes it really kind to the skin. The serum is recommended for all kinds of skin, it works like a “molecular sponge” by retaining water.
- Preparation in the form of a concentrated serum, made for people with mature skin after forty. It contains a high dose of Matrixyl, a superactive peptide that makes the skin firm and reduces wrinkles with unparalleled effectiveness, and pure hyaluronic acid of the highest quality, working on three levels of the skin. The synergy between the two ingredients improves the structure of the skin, stimulates regeneration processes and rejuvenates the appearance. Matrixyl boosts the synthesis of 6 main building blocks of the skin, including collagen and hyaluronic acid. The high quality and purity of the acid as well as the biocompatibility of Matrixyl and skin make the serum suitable even for people with sensitive skin. Low content of preservatives makes it very gentle for the skin. The serum is recommended for all types of mature skin after 40.
- boosting the production of collagen and elastin,
- one session is enough to give you a feeling that the skin is “working”. It is better toned, smoother and looks more fresh.
- toning flabby skin and improving the shape of the face,
- smoothing out wrinkles,
- considerable improvement of firmness and colouring of the skin – fresh, radiant look,
- reducing the visibility of scars, including acne scars and stretch marks.
- the active infections (viral, bacterial),
- pregnancy and lactation,
- the use of anticoagulants.